
この20年間にヴィヴィッドとは深い友情を育んできた、P.スパーク氏よりメッセージが届きました。氏とは20年の間に4回の客演指揮、CD録音、「VIVID BRASS」というタイトルの委嘱作品を創っていただき、永い間サポートしてくださり、これからも良好な関係が続きます。非常に嬉しいメッセージです!!!!



It gives me great pleasure to send greetings and good wishes to Vivid Brass Tokyo on the occasion of their 20th anniversary concert.
I have been a fan of the band for many years and salute their mission of bringing brass band music to Japanese audiences at the highest level for the past 20 years.
Having worked with the band in the concert hall and recording studio, I have always been impressed with their desire to create a true brass band sound, based on the British model but with Japanese flair and skill. Equally importantly, I remember with fondness making many new Japanese brass friends among this talented group of players.
I know that this concert will be an occasion of great joy and celebration and send my friends of VBT my very best wishes for the next 20 years!

Philip Sparke